
Evolution of Smart Home and the Internet of Things

New Update
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By: Prasoon Shrivastava, CEO and Founder, HelpMeBuild


The Internet of Things can be easily called the next big leap that will enhance the evolution of wireless networking, big data and connected devices with the help of shrinking in size sensors that have migrated from smartphones to other everyday objects. Analysts predict that the total market size of IoT will be $1.7 trillion by 2020. Some of these IoT devices are monitoring industries power plants, manufacturing, oil extraction fields, and jet engines and others are monitoring health and efficiency from bracelets and watches, saving lives and transforming industries. One of the greatest possibilities lies ahead in the “Smart Home” market.

Automation and Smart Homes have always been the heart of what many people view as the next step in the evolution of technology. In a way, the process got started in 1920’s with the introduction of machines like vacuum cleaners, food processors and sewing machines among others with the rising labour shortage and highlighting the convenience and time savings. Fast forward to the 90’s when companies announced internet refrigerators installed with calendar updates, emails, television and personal finance terminal which were not compelling enough to consumers who were already using other devices to access exactly the same services.

Came 2010 when Nest (Acquired by Google later) announced smart thermostats and smoke alarms which gained huge acceptance due to it’s fine-tuned design and ability to control temperature as per human behavior and trend without much efforts. Later on, SmartThings (Acquired by Samsung) became popular in smart home category with its capability of connecting nearly all the connected gadgets at home. With giants like Google (Google Home), Amazon (Amazon Echo), Microsoft (Lab of things) and Tesla (Smart wall and solar tiles) investing and researching heavily, smart home products have a hope of making smart homes a possible dream.


IoT has been the main driving force behind smart home evolution. It is a technological trend that showcases how technology can be integrated into simple everyday objects that you could have never imagined to be automated through sensors and transfer data to humans for control and management. Market trends in developing countries like India regarding smart homes and IoT are broad with independent household appliances. To create a genuine 'smart home' experience, these self sufficient devices will be integrated with the latest technology to make them work harmoniously at homes. As per reports, the smart home device shipments is expected to grow from 83million in 2015 to 193 million by 2020. All smart appliances (washing machines, microwaves, coffee machines etc), smart home security solutions (sensors, locks, alarm systems and cameras), and smart home energy equipment, like smart thermostats and lighting are inclusive in it. Majority of smart home controlling which we can see today in the near future lie in lighting control, electricity management, temperature control and security systems.

Home utility systems, appliances and safety devices are the 3 areas which can unlock both individual and society wide benefits in different ways. They can provide financial savings, enhance convenience, contribute to more ecological and sustainable living, sense of safety and security and more. The challenge for smart homes seems to be a race for trustworthy devices in terms of safety and security along with design, range of devices, features and cost. Surveys in western world have shown less concern about the bill savings through smart devices than towards sustainability.

Smart homes have a tremendous potential, especially when looking at the future of energy generation and consumption. Focus needs to be put on the safety and security risks and that the designing and development can secure with thoughtful ways for flawless working of the devices. We at HelpMeBuild are focusing on home and building automation technologies for the same reason of maximum comfort and convenience to our users for a sustainable habitat which our future generations will be able to reap the benefits.

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