
ERP: Packaging Applications

DQI Bureau
New Update

Corporate experience in building
Information Sys-tems is usually characterized by delays, cost over-runs, and user
dissatisfaction. Building an operational system requires time, money, and above all
experience. Many organizational systems that are built in-house are done so by analysts
and programmers on their first assignments! As a result quality suffers and user
dissatisfaction creeps in. One way out is to outsource development of your applications to
reputed vendors. While that can ensure quality, it will certainly push up the budget.
Besides, it might result in development actually slowing down. The outside vendor must
first understand how your organization works before he can take on the development of your


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
solutions attempt to address these issues through the use of packaged applications. Most
corporate application requirements like billing, inventory, sales order-processing, and
customer care have a large generic component, as well as a small though critical component
unique to the company's environment. ERP vendors understand this and offer packaged
applications built to handle the generic nature of your application. In addition, they
bundle design and development tools to help customize the solution to your needs. SAP, for
instance, sells the ABAP Workbench, a repository-driven development platform for
client/server applications. The ABAP Workbench is not unlike (at least in concept) other
client server development packages in the market.

Additionally, ERP vendors also bundle CASE
tools for use by application architects and testing tools for the use of Quality Assurance
staff. They provide well-developed methodologies to help implement solutions in a
reasonable time.

With an ERP solution you can be assured of
quality and quick development time. However, you get this at a price, a huge price
actually. But that may change shortly. ERP vendors, who hitherto catered only to the
top-end of the market, are now targeting the large-sized enterprises also. As a result
they have cut prices, improved implementation, and moved to lower-end server platforms
like NT.


Most ERP products come with some sort of
web enablement that lets you deploy the application to the Internet or, more commonly, to
an intranet. Clients or users can then access the enterprise data using a web browser
rather than a specialized client application. Dynamic and interactive access to the
enterprise data can be enabled through the use of Java or ActiveX. If web-based access is
important to your organization you need to get all the facts on the web enablement
features offered by the vendor you are talking to.

The architecture and methodologies used by
ERP products tends to be proprietary in nature and this maybe a cause of concern to some
organizations in these days of open technologies. However, what needs to be understood is
that products such as SAP are largely based on conventional technologies such as N-tier
client server. They usually have thin clients, fat business-rules and transaction server
middle layer, and specialized data access layer consisting of data-access components and
SQL servers. They provide you with a choice of back-end database such as Oracle or Sybase.
It's the integration of these conventional technologies that is pretty much proprietary as
is the Development Workbench. This is largely inevitable considering that there can be no
architectural or integration standards.

Packaged applications today represent the
most matured use of code reuse and component technology. For organizations confronted with
Y2K/reengineering issues packaged applications provide an attractive alternative to merely
re-writing the errant COBOL code or reengineering. For an added cost, organizations can
leave their woes behind for good by porting their data to ERP packages. This is possible
because, ERP is no more the hugely expensive alternative that it used to be a few years
