
Embark on an insightful journey of digital transformation with #CXODigitalDrive

New Update

In today’s time, CIOs have emerged as a game-changing innovator, going beyond their support function and emerging as an important pillar for organizational success. Given this changing paradigm, Dell has launched a new campaign, #CXODigitalDrive, to position CIOs as ‘Super Celebrities’. It’s the first-of-its-kind web video series aimed at exploring different facets of digital transformation with leading CIOs in India. In this candid talk show, IT veterans drive the conversation across the crucial pillars required to make digital transformation a reality across industries and practice areas.


The very first episode of the series is quite insightful, especially for healthcare professionals, wherein Veneeth Purushotaman, Chief Information Officer, Fortis Healthcare, strikes an in-depth conversation with Ankit Vengurlekar. Sharing his thoughts and views about digital transformation, Veneeth touched upon diverse topics, including IT challenges faced by the healthcare industry nowadays, the changing role of CIOs in the wake of digital transformation, how Fortis is grabbing opportunities coming up with workforce transformation for healthcare professionals, endpoint data security at the sector, to name a few. Indeed, the conversation helps viewers gain insights into the implications of digital transformation on the healthcare sector, which is fast adopting and adapting to latest technologies, keeping pace with other industries and sectors. Click here to hear directly from Veneeth Purushotaman.

#CXODigitalDrive has been launched at an appropriate time when businesses across industries are increasing their IT budget, focusing more on making significant investments in new-age technologies. Amidst all, the role and responsibilities of CIOs are undergoing a major transformation. While earlier they were primarily involved in building as well as delivering technology, today’s CIOs are being entrusted with new tasks and challenges like spurring innovation, devising and orchestrating digital ecosystems, implementing endpoint security solutions in the organization, and creating a workforce environment, driven by new-age productivity tools like Latitude Laptops and Notebooks for Business. And all these ultimately lead to a simple goal: accelerating digital transformation throughout the organization.

What does it take for an organization to gain success in this evolving era of transformation? How are leading CIOs across industries gearing up for new challenges related to data and cyber security emanating from the unabated rate of changes in digital and workforce technologies? What are the opportunities and promises they think that digital transformation holds for their respective industries?


#CXODigitalDrive intends to find answers to all these questions that are emerging while organizations are devising their future goals. Keep your eyes on the campaign, as more episodes are coming soon with more insights and opinions.


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