Generative AI can significantly alter how people learn, the efficiency with which learning is delivered, and the costs involved. The extent of the influence that learning experiences at schools, universities, or corporations can have is limited by the educator's and learner's imagination and vision. We've often discussed personalised learning based on individual styles or requirements. ChatGPT and similar applications may provide accurate inputs for students' queries, and drilled-down replies would allow them to learn the topics at the most comfortable level. Thus, Generative AI could provide students with the clarity they lack in the context of human interactions, allowing them to gain mastery at their desired levels.
Access to technology can help people be considerably more productive
Students now have access to technologies that can help them be considerably more productive, whether writing essays or sharpening their skills to maximise responses to likely questions in competitive tests. Teachers could also benefit from these technologies regarding class planning and offering tailored feedback based on each student's performance. Teachers benefit significantly from the ability to launch new courses using tool-generated content and reference sources swiftly. With such tools, career planning and creating tailored career learning routes based on individual goals could become more efficient. Students unfamiliar with the corporate selection process and preparing for interviews may benefit from mock interactions and resume preparation based on job requirements. ChatGPT can assist people in making educated professional selections by providing them with information about their possibilities.
Benefit for people with learning difficulties
It has always been difficult for trainers and people with learning difficulties to balance desired learning content and expected outcomes. Generative AI would allow learners to learn in a nonjudgmental environment while also providing feedback to assist them in gaining language fluency and subject matter knowledge. As with other technology tools, Generative AI tools, when utilised in education, carry vulnerabilities that we should be aware of. Some essential skills necessary in the workplace, such as critical thinking and analytical skills, are unlikely to be pushed sufficiently throughout the learning phase due to the reliance on an automated learning environment.
Just as automated mathematical tools have reduced humans' reliance on numerical capabilities, generative AI tools may degrade these natural abilities, making people even more reliant on automated tools. Striking a good balance between technology and human endeavour will be the most crucial responsibility for instructors in the future.