
DQ-CMR BES Rank 5: Virtusa

DQI Bureau
New Update

The last 12 months have been noteworthy for Virtusa as it reported 30% revenue growth along with tangible people practices in the industry. Calling themselves a ‘people centric' organization, Virtusa brought in technology to transform and better employee satisfaction initiatives.


Vircomm, a structured theme based communication framework was built to connect with a cross section of teams covering technical and management aspects across geographies. ‘V+', an in-house technology application was designed to bring together the system of records and engagement to transform core processes to social.

The company already has a social site, ‘Yammer' for its employees to stay connected with their fellow company mates.

Other such initiates include ‘vInnovate', a portal to encourage innovative ideas from employees, WOV (Women of Virtusa) forum enabling the women in the company to put in their thoughts and women leaders to guide them through their problems, and ‘SONAR', a 360 degree feedback leadership tool to provide a well-rounded assessment to the employee.
