
DQ-CMR BES Rank 4: HCL Infosystems

DQI Bureau
New Update

The company was #1 last year but faced challenges to sustain its top slot due to leadership changes and business diversification. This is evident from the company's slip to the #4 position. HCL Infosystems witnessed almost 70% leadership changes and the HR emphasis was on building teams and hiring new leaders for mobility and IT distribution business.
Recognizing the need to improvise on existing HR policies, a people policy panel was introduced in 2011 with the aim of bridging the gap between the existing and the desired. The company's last year initiative, Women Empowered People Action Team, helped HCL Infosystems move up the ladder to rank #3 for gender inclusivity.
The biggest challenge for HR this year was to build a concrete distribution network and manpower to facilitate the diversification of IT distribution for rural sector within a 2 month time frame. Though overall HR performance dipped, the company managed to create new learning and developments which helped it retain workforce at a higher percentage than the industry.
