
Digital transformation has morphed from a trend to a Central Component of modern business strategy today

New Update



Going Digital - what does it mean to you and your organization?

I think, “Adaptability” - is more vital to business than ever. Look at how the role of Cloud Computing in recent times has evolved. As an organization - we believe that these new trends and technologies will be at the core of digital transformation efforts in 2018 and many will continue far beyond the next year. A digital organization goes well beyond the technology side. We believe “Digital is a mindset” first. It means to seize the opportunities ahead.

What is your Digital Transformation plan, strategy and the deliverables you expect or already coming in?


Our Digital Transformation Plan is based on four pillars:

a. A clear digital strategy. The digital strategy needs to articulate how to truly support the business and enable it to achieve its strategic goals.

b. Digitally-proficient workforce. Digital is a separate skill set from old IT


c. An innovative and flexible culture. Change is now a constant: old fixed mindsets will not do.

d. An impassioned and committed CEO.

At Essar, we focus on global solutions which are innovative and future proof. Our focus has always been customer-centric. Whether it is ERP, Web application or any other solution – we ensured it matches the business need at the global level. We adopted Hybrid method wherein Application deployment done both in –premise and on the cloud, basis on the specific requirement and study. Deployment of Success factor, Zscaler Web Proxy on Cloud, Intranet portal which is interactive, Mobile Applications to suit various business processes, Global VOIP with various UC Features and Integrations, ERP systems for end to end business need, Application layer Secured network etc. are some of the innovative solutions which not only helped us in big way to tackle global challenges but also enabled to enhance our performance to meet targets in a big way.


Our focus would be to bridge the silos in the organization’s functional departments, create seamless digital touch points.

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