
Being digital requires being open to re-examining your entire way of doing business

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Going Digital - what does it mean to you and your organization?

Being digital requires being open to re-examining your entire way of doing business and understanding where the new frontiers of value are. It’s about rethinking how to use new capabilities to improve how customers are served, improve operations, automate manual processes, give real-time information & feedback and all this should happen Anytime, Anywhere and on Any Device. All this gives organization permission to be innovative.

In the new digital era, the engineering services landscape is expanding and maturing at a rapid pace. India will be one of the global R&D frontiers and LTTS is at the forefront of transforming India into a global ER&D hub through our exciting digital engineering solutions.


What is your Digital Transformation plan, strategy and the deliverables you expect or are already coming in?

Our aim is to make our core systems digital, which in turn acts as a foundation layer for rest of the bespoke applications. This financial year, our Project & Quality Management System has been moved to latest technology and version, Our CRM systems are already on one of the leading SaaS cloud software, HRIMS moving to SaaS cloud is in progress and next in line is our core ERP platform migration to a newer platform.

On top of our core systems, we have multiple bespoke applications which are getting upgraded. Idea is to make these applications Intelligent Apps i.e. Applications which provide Information, can think, suggest and act. Let me give you an example, let say, when a Project or Delivery Manager is raising a request for an invoice for the project, Inline Analytics gives data as to PO Value & Currency, Invoices previous raised, Accruals took and Available PO balance which can be consumed. Also, based on efforts booked and approved in the project & agreed rate, it automatically gives you the amount to be invoiced.


We are also working on Robotic Process Automation i.e. automating repeatable processes. We have picked up a couple of processes on the Project Creation & Management side to start with. To continue on the BOT’s side, we have started releasing chatbots using NLP, AI and other cognitive technologies.

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