
Deskera provides end-to-end cloud-based ERP: Deskera CTO

Onkar Sharma
New Update

The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are said to be the backbone of large enterprises globally. But many of the SMEs and SMBs are often deprived of the benefits of the enterprise-grade solutions for the simple reason of high cost and on-premise cumbersome. Deskera claims to solve this problem by creating a cloud-based ERP system which eliminates data silos, improves productivity and reduces IT costs. In order to get more insights into the company and its solution, Dataquest had a word with Brajesh Sachan. CTO, Deskera.


What's Deskera? What are the business problems it addresses?
Deskera provides end-to-end ERP which helps in managing all operations of an enterprise ranging from maintaining records and tracking accounts for every receivable, to keeping a tab on the inventory and payments, or managing customers and vendors. Cloud-based Deskera ERP eliminates data silos, improving productivity, providing more accurate data, delivering better visibility, and reducing IT costs. Balance sheets, P&L statements, and upcoming expenses get auto-generated. The ERP helps maintain history of all financial transactions, invoices, purchase orders, inventory and product-related changes.

Deskera ERP helps maintain product data, monitor factory machines, manage labour resources, track work center activities, forecast product demand, maintain quality standards, plan product delivery and monitor costs.

What triggered you to roll out BAaaS solution?
The existing enterprise software industry was monopolized by ERP industry giants and the technology base was not as accessible as it should be for all kind of companies, irrespective of their size. Deskera seeks to bring the best of consumer software technology to enterprise software. Since most ERP software solutions were desktop-based, there was a need for fully-integrated cloud-based ERP solution.


What customer sizes this solution is aimed at?
Deskera focuses on small and medium enterprises.

Can you name a few customers who are using the solution?
Several global brands are using our solution: Google, Starbucks, StarHub, Bakertilly TFW, Prime Partners, Grant Thornton, Clean Solutions, to name a few.

How easy or difficult is it to roll out the application?
Being a cloud-based application, Deskera brings the best of consumer software technology to the enterprise domain, thereby bringing the ease of use generally associated with consumer software.


Since mid-organizations cannot afford to have big IT teams, does this solution rid them of the worry of hiring people to maintain the software?
As Deskera is a fully Web-based suite of cloud-based applications, there is no need for IT teams or specialized hardware. An enterprise’s management can run the application directly.

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