
Dell EMC Global Alliances— Helping Create Your Digital Future

New Update

Combining the power of best of breed building blocks of modern IT from Dell Technologies family with the breadth of well-crafted solutions from leading global systems integrators will help CIOs create future-ready digital organizations


Does IT transformation have a bearing on the success of digital transformation? Dell EMC 2017 IT Transformation Maturity study provides the answers. Key findings:

· Only 5 percent of the organization were leading in their IT transformation. The rest lagged in their IT transformation and therefore are being left behind in their digital transformation journey

· A substantial majority — 71% — agreed that transforming legacy IT is essential to winning in the future and that modern IT is a competitive advantage for the business


Modern IT is built on a powerful and new technology stack that is software-defined with security running across the layers.

The building blocks of modern IT run through new layers of the technology stack comprising ultra-high performance converged hardware, virtualization, orchestration, platform-as-a-service, and configurable applications.

The Dell Technologies family of businesses comprises Dell, Dell EMC, Pivotal, RSA, SecureWorks, Virtustream, and VMware. These companies provide the best of the breed across all layers of the modern IT stack.


But technologies alone are not sufficient to transform the IT organization. You need partners to architect solutions based on the building blocks of modern IT. Dell EMC Global Alliances partners comprising leading global systems integrators play that role. There are 34 industry specific solutions, packaged and ready, created with 17 Dell EMC Global Alliances partners, with more on the way. These solutions provide the foundation and the speed to digital transformation efforts.

Download the position paper which details out how Dell EMC technologies and Global Alliances partner offerings help CIOs solve complex challenges across industry verticals, with the leading practices in hybrid cloud, software-defined data center, converged, and hyper-converged infrastructure, platform-as-a-service, data analytics, mobility, and cyber security.



(The document for download is sponsored content from Dell EMC)

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