
Deepak Puri

DQI Bureau
New Update


Made in India

It's likely Deepak Puri is an aberration, an anomaly as a hardware
exporter in services-dominated India. He put India on the global manufacturing

map, driving Moser Baer to world number three in optical media supplying to some

of the world's biggest brands. There have been other domestic hardware

manufacturers, but none of them can boast putting a 'Made in India' brand in

the global league the way Deepak Puri's Moser Baer has. In 1983 he joined

hands with the Switzerland-based Moser Baer AG to manufacture time-keeping

solutions, subsequently steering the company to floppy disks manufacturing in

1986 and optical media manufacturing in 1998. Puri and Moser Baer's stupendous

success owes much to his mastering the art of mass production, like the

