
Data protection regulations are not just about compliance; they're a catalyst for ethical data stewardship

Explore the transformative influence of DPDP 2023 on data governance, cybersecurity strategies, and the evolving role of the CISO.

Aanchal Ghatak
New Update
DPDP 2023

The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023 (DPDP), has ushered in a new era of data governance. In this exclusive discussion with Sandeep Peshkar, Senior VP of Arete, we explore the profound influence of DPDP on organizations, their cybersecurity strategies, and the evolving role of the CISO in today's digital landscape. Explore. Peshkar's insights on the transformative effect of DPDP 2023 on organizations' data handling practices, the challenges faced in compliance, cybersecurity adaptations, and the nuanced impact on consumers and businesses. This exclusive interview delves into the critical responsibilities of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) amidst evolving cyber threats, outlining the strategic imperatives and skills required in the contemporary digital milieu.



How have recent regulations, such as DPDP (Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023), influenced how organizations handle personal data?

The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023 (DPDP), has ushered in a new and more secure era regarding data governance for organizations. This legislation, aimed at regulating personal data processing and safeguarding individuals' data rights, plays a pivotal role in the data privacy and protection domain. The DPDP has compelled organizations to adopt a more proactive and cautious approach toward personal data, catalyzing a paradigm shift in how organizations handle personal data. It fosters a culture of consent, transparency, and security. Businesses and institutions must adapt to these regulations by implementing robust data protection measures, fostering transparency, and respecting individuals' data rights, ultimately reshaping the landscape of data privacy in India.


What are some key challenges organizations face in complying with these data protection regulations, and how have they adapted their cybersecurity strategies to meet these requirements?

Organizations are confronted with multifaceted challenges in adapting to these exacting data protection regulations. Foremost, aligning with the stringent stipulations of the DPDP necessitates substantial investments in technology and human capital. Enforcing explicit user consent, multilingual notifications, and predefined data usage objectives represents a complex and resource-intensive process requiring advanced tools and technologies.

Furthermore, organizations must address the cultural shift that these regulations entail. Shifting mindsets and practices at all levels of an organization is no small feat. Beyond these challenges, organizations must pay heed to the potential impact of the legislature on their business models and operations. This spans financial implications, possible modifications in data monetization strategies, and the requirement for comprehensive audit trails and transparent data handling practices. An additional area of significance encompasses ongoing training and awareness initiatives, vital for ensuring that all employees remain informed and aligned with these new regulatory requirements.


How do data protection regulations affect developing and implementing cybersecurity technologies and practices within organizations?

The impact of data protection regulations resonates deeply within the domain of cybersecurity technologies and practices. Organizations must now fortify their data handling and security apparatus to meet the exacting standards mandated by these regulations. This entails the implementation of robust encryption mechanisms, strict data access controls, and diligent compliance monitoring. Advanced threat detection and prevention technologies assume a pivotal role in the protection of data from potential breaches. Simultaneously, incident response readiness and recovery capabilities are essential, ensuring organizations can navigate the complexities associated with potential data breaches while remaining aligned with the regulatory mandates.

In your opinion, what are the main benefits and drawbacks of data protection regulations for both consumers and businesses?


Data protection regulations yield substantial benefits for both consumers and businesses. From the consumers' perspective, these regulations bestow heightened data privacy, transparency, and greater control over their personal information. They assure that their data is treated responsibly and ethically, thus fostering trust in businesses that align with these stringent standards. On the business front, compliance with data protection regulations mitigates the risks of regulatory fines and reputational damage and inculcates consumer confidence. Organizations prioritizing data protection are better poised to attract and retain customers with a high regard for their privacy. This, in turn, significantly contributes to long-term sustainability.

Nonetheless, the challenges inherent in regulatory compliance, coupled with the substantial investments in technology and training, can be perceived as drawbacks. Nevertheless, when viewed through the broader lens of digital transformation, these regulations can potentially elevate ethical standards and trustworthiness among businesses, fostering a culture of data responsibility and privacy consciousness.

What are the key responsibilities of a CISO in today's digital landscape?


The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) plays a pivotal role in safeguarding organizations. Their responsibilities span strategic guidance for cybersecurity programs, ensuring alignment with business objectives, and reporting on cybersecurity trends to top-level management. CISOs are at the forefront during security incidents, managing crisis response and overseeing business continuity. They instill a culture of robust information security, manage vendor relationships, optimize cybersecurity budgets, and oversee cybersecurity personnel. With the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape, CISOs must master various technical and soft skills.
