
Companies that make “sense” of social will play a bigger role in the future

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Social Media

Erick Watson Moodwire Erick Watson, Moodwire


Moodwire gathers and crunches data from heterogeneous sources to provide its customers with insights. While many firms simply measure what they know how to count, Moodwire says that it provides its clients with an “outside-in perspective” that helps them deftly navigate today’s real-time social marketplace.  Dataquest spoke with Moodwire CPO, to understand more about the firm.

How do you see the growth for Moodwire?
Moodwire has seen an incredible evolution over the past year.  Its increasingly clear to us that the space we are in is not only burgeoning but that the broad categorization of companies that make “sense” of social will play a bigger role going forward.

As the Chief Product Officer, what is your specific role?
Well as you know, with lean companies, we all wear many hats but if I had to focus on only one of these aspects, I’d say that my main role is building a product that people care about, will use, and will derive benefit from. There are too many solutions chasing problems, we have a clear problem and are working very hard on a practical solution; this very thing makes working at Moodwire a ton of fun, despite the challenges.


People talk about social in two ways- one that elevates it to godlike status and the other that it’s a bunch of hype.  Where do you stand?
As you can guess, and this isn’t me being diplomatic, I stand in between.  Social media and social expression comprise a set of channels that are very popular with some and quite irrelevant to others. The community that uses it, uses it very effectively and to the extent that this community has influence, companies like Moodwire are important.  So I’m not overly-emotional about it – it is what it is.

Tell us a bit more about what you see on the horizon in terms of the business of technology.
I think we see a few trends that are clear.  I won’t repeat the obvious ones about Cloud, Mobility, and Social etc.  I think we see both a massive rise in the ‘desire’ for automation but also in the use of technology to make human lives better.  These can be seen as either complementary or as orthogonal.  Second, I see a massive-though-silent rise in hardcore B to B, Enterprise to Enterprise technology.  These companies get less press but they run the organizations of today and tomorrow.

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