
CLP India is geared up to using various digital technologies

Shrikanth G
New Update
Handbook 2018



Going Digital - what does it mean to you and your organization?

CLP India operation is to generate electricity using the conventional & renewable source of energy. It has been observed that on a relative basis utility industry is least susceptible to Digital Disruption. However, to be agile and future ready with respect to digital disruption particularly going to happen in Renewable space; CLP India is geared up to using various digital technologies – IoT, Cognitive science, Big Data, Modern Workplace solutions. What we believe is that these technologies are not emerging in isolation from one another. In fact, digital enablers such as these are converging to create an environment of connectedness, linking people,processes, data, and things in new ways what is referred to as the “Internet of Everything”. The components of digital value can then be readily combined as disruptive business models that knit together different types of capabilities and deliver customer value in new ways. The most successful disruptors of recent years employ “combinatorial disruption,” in which multiple sources of value— cost, experience, and platform— are fused to create disruptive new business models and exponential gains.

What is your Digital Transformation plan, strategy and the deliverables you expect or already coming in?


We understand that Digital business transformation is a journey to adopt and deploy digital technologies and business models to improve performance quantifiably. We’ve launched a Digital Workplace program to empower employees, enhance collaboration, reengineer & automate business processes migrating on-premise solutions to Azure & Office 365. Introduce IoT and Big Data for Renewable business to analyze operational data and forecast generation to optimize availability and Reliability of Assets. We’ve planned to utilize Cognitive science to improve maintenance of assets and safety of people.

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