
Cell phone Radiation Affects Fertility

New Update
Bharti Airtel

By:  Manas Ganguly, Founder, Brightsandz Clean Tech 


Today, cell phones have become an integral part of human life. They are truly changing our life by making everything convenient and time saving. The cell phone that gives you regular updates on news, sports and social media, unfortunately affects your fertility. Cell phones emit harmful radiation waves that affect sperm count and its quality in men.

The radiation waves emitted from cell phones are non- ionizing and considered as one of the most dangerous forms of pollution created by technology. These invisible radiation waves cause significant damage to reproductive organs in human beings. The long hour exposure to cell phones in front and back pocket of trousers impacts the health of testes and quality of sperm in men. Moreover, the close proximity of cell phones to men’s lower halves of the body directly exposes it to Electromagnetic radiation adversely affecting their sperm count.

Using cell phone while in a moving vehicle also causes significant impact of radiation as the handsets tries to maintain signals and data throughout the ride. Some international experts are also stressing upon this concern in order to reduce its impact.


Keeping the cell phone in front pocket for about 4 hours in a day also increases the count of immature sperms. This can also damage the DNA in men impairing their fertility. As per the reports revealed by Cleveland Clinic Foundation of Ohio (the US), use of cell phones decreases semen quality by reducing sperm count, motility, viability and normal morphology. Moreover, it has been found by several researchers that 14 percent of couples of higher and middle income group face problems while conceiving.  

The international institute of population sciences, Mumbai in 2010 released a stark study highlighting the fact that there had been a 30% increase in infertility rates in India in a decadal time frame (2000-10). It also alluded that 1 in 5 Indian couples in their productive prime suffer infertility.

In addition, the proximity to cell phones also affects brain activity resulting in sleep disturbances, headache, and fatigue and decrease in the production of melatonin.


How to reduce the impact

Cell phone habits play an important role in conceiving. That’s why couples planning to conceive are advised to limit the usage of their cell phones as per their needs. Keeping the cell phone in back pocket instead of the front pocket or above the belt can also be considered to reduce its impact on the reproductive organs. Limiting the hours of cell phone usage from each day keeps the mind and body healthy.

One has to keep in mind that it’s not about completely cutting off from cellular devices but about understanding and limiting its use on everyday basis to have a healthy body. Only small changes like, just being aware with where to store the cell phone, can have positive effects. Likewise, as many of us carry our phone in pockets, a habit of keeping cell phones in bags instead can help in restricting the exposure of mobile phone radiation.


In-fact, continuous exposure to cell phone radiation is considered to be very harmful for women trying to conceive. The long- term exposure and proximity to cellular radiation leads to infertility in women as it affects the normal activity of ovaries. Doctors and experts advice pregnant women to cut off their daily cell phone usage habits in order to have a healthy baby. The radiation and electromagnetic field generated by cell phones are also known for affecting the growth of the foetus.

Over the past decade, Autism cases have grown up to 3 times in India contributing to 40% of Autism cases in the world. Personal devices like cell phones, laptops, Wi-Fi, etc adversely affect the mental health of a child in its pre-term and neo-natal days.

Many telecommunication companies have issued advisory to their consumers to maintain a minimum distance of 5mm between their cell phone and body in order to reduce the impact of radiation. Some companies also suggest increasing this distance to 30 mm to have a healthy mental and reproductive being.

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