
CBSE to Introduce Applied Mathematics as an Academic Elective Subject for Class 11 Students

CBSE has decided to introduce Applied Mathematics as an academic elective subject for class 11 students from this academic year

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In order to help students develop an understanding of basic mathematical and statistical tools, CBSE has decided to introduce Applied Mathematics as an academic elective subject for class 11 students from the current academic year (2020 to 2021). Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, Union Cabinet Minister for Human Resource Development, has confirmed this decision on social media.


“To help students develop an understanding of basic mathematical & statistical tools & their applications in various fields, I have advised CBSE to introduce ‘Applied Mathematics (241)’ as an Academic Elective for class XI this academic year,” says Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank.

The decision was taken by CBSE as the existing syllabus of mathematics does not seem to be aligning well with commerce or social science-based subjects in university education, while it catered well to only to science subjects. Therefore, Applied Mathematics will be introduced as an academic elective for class 11 students to provide them with the relevant experience, which can be used in fields other than physical sciences, says a CBSE press release.

“The new addition in the curriculum will also boost their competency skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, logical reasoning, mathematical thinking, etc. Students who have passed Basic Mathematics (241) in class X will be allowed to take the new academic elective ‘Applied Mathematics (241)’ at Senior Secondary Level,” adds the minister.


What the CBSE Applied Mathematics as Subject Aims to Achieve?

According to the Central Board of Secondary Education, the Applied Mathematics subject aims at achieving the following objectives:

  1. To develop an understanding of basic mathematical and statistical tools, and their applications in the field of commerce (business/finance/economics) and social sciences.
  2. To model real-world experiences or problems into mathematical expressions using numerical, algebraic or graphical representation.
  3. To make sense from the data by organizing, representing, interpreting, analyzing, and to make meaningful inferences from real-world situations.
  4. To develop logical reasoning skills and apply the same in problem-solving.
  5. To reinforce mathematical communication by formulating conjectures, validating logical arguments, and testing hypothesis.

Students, parents and schools may opt for the subject, which will be practical in nature and the students are expected to learn through practical applications of mathematics in different disciplines.
