What is the relative edge of Rich Internet applications (RIA)
over desktop applications, both in terms of technology as well as market
As the penetration of high-speed and broadband Internet access increases,
web technologies continue to evolve to deliver new user experiences and
increased application utility. RIA is another step in that evolutionary process.
Internet bandwidth has also been expanding as years pass by and now DSL
connections are commonplace. This has boosted the development of RIA. There are
many RIAs existing on the Internet today. Google Maps, Yahoo Widgets, Google
Earth, Flex Explorer, and Flex Store to name a few.
What does RIA mean to a layman?
RIA is an enhanced user experience delivered to the user, with capability across
business domains like e-commerce, financial services, online gaming,
telecommunication, healthcare, and tourism. These kind of user experiences are
possible because the technology required to implement the same is available
Besides usability, is there any other dimension that you are
seeking through RIA?
In traditional web applications, back and forth server trips, latency,
breaks, etc were common phenomenon that we are trying to overcome through RIA.
It basically boils down to incorporating immediacy, giving control to the user
while also taking care of cognitive psychology of a prospect or customer
visiting a site.
What are the challenges around RIA from the technology angle?
Are the pertinent standards in place?
If you are asking me Is RIA challenging, my answer is both yes and no.
By 2010, RIA will be the norm and majority of e-commerce applications will be on
RIA. In mature countries, its already entrenched well while in India we still
have to experience that growth. The technology is here to stay. And as it does,
the platforms will mature. Major players like Adobe and Microsoft have developed
their own platforms. Adobes Flex is a good example and incidentally, about
90% of desktops have a flash player. Distribution of RIA is not a problem.
Pratima Harigunani