
Broadband Catalysts

DQI Bureau
New Update


Broadband is growing and will continue to do so, is a clear enough message


The words 'broadband' and 'always connected' are rapidly becoming top
of tongue-or should that be tip of tongue? But what is growing faster, not
surprisingly, is the number of analyst/market forecast reports about broadband.
Just look at the data ticker.

  • According to provisional estimates by Gartner, Asia Pacific fixed line
    broadband connections grew by 50% in 2004. The fastest growing market was
    Thailand, with 1000% growth in subscriptions for broadband, during the same
  • The growth estimate for India is 20 mn subscribers by 2010. A 300 Gbps
    Internet bandwidth demand in India by 2005, is the projection given by
  • Market researcher Frost & Sullivan predicts growth rates of over 93.6%
    for Internet bandwidth, between March 2000 and March 2005, for India.
  • There is also an indication, by another industry study, that India could
    loose out on $22.5 bn in business earnings if it fails to address its
    bandwidth requirements. Given the numbers, the ways and means of enhancing
    broadband penetration in the country are already being implemented.

Now that the policy stuff is over and the services have
started rolling, there will be accelerated growth. The Rs 500 per month offers
will help. And if FTTH (fibre to the home) becomes a reality quickly, we would
see some pretty steep graphs. The existing technologies-DSL, cable, dial up-are
really speaking Team B now. FTTH networks make use of fibre to the last mile and
therefore give on demand a virtually unlimited bandwidth, for high quality
voice, data and video applications.


Assuming that in the next few months, offices and homes are
going to see a substantial increase in bandwidth availability, at lower cost,
what are they going to do with it? What is it that will make us want to stay
more connected? Which are the tasks that will now be performed by digital means?

Much higher use of video conferencing could be one. Some
estimates reveal that professionals spend an average of 40—50% of their time
in traveling to meetings. We cannot beam them there digitally but we can send
their pictures over. Video conferencing holds much promise for saving time and
enhancing productivity. E Medicine could be another one. Dr Devi Shetty, a
prominent cardiologist, regularly consults patients in Kolkata from his
Bangalore-based heart-clinic Narayan Hrudyalaya, over video-conferencing with
medical images (financial

Education is another area of great promise-virtual
classrooms, downloading course material and interacting with educationalists can
become faster and easier. You can become a Harvard graduate through digital
devices without ever going to Harvard! Video, or films on demand, could be
another area.


It must be quickly added that none of these concepts is new.
They have been bandied around for a few years now. Though, easy and inexpensive
availability may make them a step closer to happening. In fact, the greatest
benefits of increased bandwidth may not come from new applications. They may
come from doing more of the same, better and faster. Bandwidth is a crunch at
many places. Enterprises-especially in the finance and banking sector-are
swallowing bandwidth to meet business demands. One such example is IDBI, which
is upgrading its bandwidth by 50% this year to meet the requirements of new
ATMs, branches and applications. Online banking, ticketing, stock trading-or
even plain and simple browsing can do with a few dollops of speed.

The only caution here is that applications increase to fill
the available bandwidth in six months, or less. Hence, today's broadband could
become narrowband very very quickly.

The author is Editor-in-Chief of CyberMedia, the
publishers of Dataquest (with inputs from Saswati Sinha) Shyam
