
BlackBerry, Android, PLDT Enterprise Partner to Deliver Solution for MiCab

Secure, flexible and easy-to-deploy cloud solution enables MiCab to connect drivers with passengers, all secured and managed by BlackBerry UEM

New Update
Continental India

BlackBerry announced it is expanding its partnerships with Android and PLDT Enterprise, through Smart Communications Inc. to provide MiCab, an online taxi-hailing platform, with an integrated, secure enterprise cloud solution that maintains data privacy, meets compliance and accelerates service delivery.


The solution combines the ease-of-management and gold-standard security of BlackBerry Unified End-Point Management (UEM), with the flexible, customizable nature of Android Enterprise and network connectivity and devices from Smart.

Together, the partners are enabling ‘mobile-first’ company MiCab to securely manage and connect thousands of drivers with millions of passengers via a fleet of tablet devices. In addition, BlackBerry is providing professional cybersecurity consulting services to MiCab.

Amit Mehta, Managing Director, BlackBerry South East Asia and India said, “BlackBerry is a software and services company that secures the Enterprise of Things, helping hyper-connected companies like MiCab get ultra-secure. We are excited to make this announcement today with Android, Smart and MiCab because it is a great example of how our secure platform and innovative partnerships are delivering measurable outcomes for customers, including accelerated efficiency and cost reduction. We are continuing to expand upon this innovative partnership blueprint to provide secure solutions for customers in many verticals, from finance to manufacturing and healthcare.”


MiCab provides tablets and mobile apps to local taxi firms in the Philippines, mostly in Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, and Metro Manila.  Mounted in the front of the taxis, the tablets display map, driver, passenger and fare details and are fully locked down by Android Enterprise, only allowing drivers to access the MiCab app, while being centrally managed by BlackBerry UEM.

MiCab connects drivers to passengers through the MiCab app, giving real-time access to taxis based on proximity and profiles of both passengers and drivers. Instead of charging passengers booking fees or surge pricing, MiCab monetizes its business through brands and companies that want to reach its user base.  With this volume of sensitive data, MiCab needed a solution that was equally as secure, as it was flexible and scalable for the growing company.

After a successful trial, MiCab has rolled out approximately 12,000 seven-inch Android tablets to its fleet of drivers secured by BlackBerry UEM, supported by Smart, and fully integrated with Android Enterprise. MiCab plans to scale up the deployment to 15,000 devices by the end of 2018, with further plans for the solution to support future initiatives in healthcare and supply-chain logistics.


MiCab Co-founder and CEO, Eddie Ybanez says, “As an agile mobile digital transportation company, our priority is to deliver the best service for our customers, however as we continue to rapidly scale, innovate and deliver smarter services, we have to address risks such as regulation and cyber threats.  We have an almost endless list of requirements – compliance, flexibility, scalability, ease of deployment, price – and especially security and privacy of our customers’ sensitive information.  Together, BlackBerry, Android and Smart have delivered an integrated end-to-end service that goes far beyond meeting our needs, providing a secure technology platform and support services to enable true business and customer delivery transformation.”

Under new government regulation, licensed taxi firms in the Philippines are mandated to provide GPS and free Wi-Fi in vehicles nationwide, presenting risks to sensitive customer information.  Responding to this, the partners worked together with MiCab to deliver a solution that met these regulatory requirements and addressed their business transformation goals.

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