
Bharat 2047: The blueprint

Industrial revolutions must be factored to design the blueprint for Bharat 2047, which will be Wealthy, and Healthy

New Update
Bharat 2047

Technology Fusion, Modern Cyber System, and its impact


Fusion of technologies has created unimaginable new capabilities and has significantly impacted People’s Behaviour, has created the Phygital world, the digital economy, digital industrial revolutions, and hyper connected world.

Bharat 2047

With the modern cyber system built with the convergence of many technologies, there is an opportunity for individuals, governments, industries, and societies to leverage unimaginable new capabilities. These new capabilities help in creating new opportunities and overcoming long lasting complex problems and bottlenecks. 


People’s Behaviour and Expectations 

Due to modern cyber system and its access, people’s behaviors and expectations are changed. 

  • Millions of People are connected to the Internet
  • The tolerance level of people has gone down
  • People expect continuous newness  
  • People are very vocal on the social media 
  • Gen Z and future generations will have different needs, wants, and expectations 

Bharat must understand the new age citizens’ behaviors, needs, and wants and establish a system to enhance the Gross National Happiness Index.

Convergence of Physical and Digital Worlds 

The new capabilities that emerged from the modern cyber system have created a new world called the Phygital world, which is the combination of the physical world and digital world. The phygital world optimizes human interventions, reduces the cost of operations, and improves safety and quality of services. Bharat must design new policies, governance, acts, and rules to unlock the fullest potential of Phydigital. 

Bharat 2047
Bharat 2047

Phydigital world enables real time communication, collaboration among “People to People”, “People to Things”, “Things to Things” that would disrupt the businesses, communities, societies, industries, governments, and people lives both positively and negatively.  


Digital Economy 

Bharat has evolved from agriculture economy to industrial economy to service economy to now digital economy. Preparing for digital economy is very different and needs a different focus and policy interventions. Bharat must establish new industries, create new businesses, and job opportunities aligning with digital economy.

Bharat 2047

Digital Age Industrial Revolutions 

4th Industrial revolution started in 2000, 5th industrial revolution started in 2020 and we may experience two more industrial revolutions by 2047. All these industrial revolutions prominently driven by modern cyber system. The modern cyber system of 2022 will get further strengthened with technology innovations and new capabilities. Bharat must prepare for these industry revolutions with a new soul by building the required agility in its overall governing models. 

Bharat 2047

The Soul of Bharat 2047 

The first, second, and third industrial revolutions were prominently driven by capitalism, which improved the quality of life and GDP of the countries significantly. But in these three industrial revolutions, the environment and ecology got disturbed considerably, causing so many health issues and natural disasters; in addition, money became the focal point of human lives, and there was a considerable decline in generosity and humanity in society. Globalization has seriously impacted the local languages, traditions, cultures, and social fabric. Hence it is imperative to prepare countries, societies, and industries to be socially responsible and ensure that humanity, generosity, and blissfulness become the critical driving forces not limited to the GDP and per capita income. 

While the human population of Bharat could be around 1.61 billion by 2047, the digital population could be ten times more than the human population (Robots, Bots, Intelligent machines, vehicles, devices, smart roads, etc.)

Bharat must deal with both human and digital populations by 2047. Much groundwork to be done to re-engineer and re-imagine the governance, policies, and social fabric suit to the 5th, 6th, and 7th Industrial Revolutions 

Bharat must invest in building new capabilities (People, Processes, Policies, Patents, Infrastructure, Technologies) leveraging the power of technologies as the Innovation lies in the intersection of technologies.  

Considering all these, I define the soul of the new Bharat as below. 

Bharat 2047
Bharat 2047

Bharat 2047 Blueprint – five Key Themes 

Bharat 2047

Bharat by 2047 Blueprint – 30 Key Objectives  

Theme 1: Exponentially grow economy and prosperity with digital governance, intelligent infrastructure, competitive mega-regions

Key Objectives 

  1. Establish accountable, responsible, transparent, and nearly autonomous governance for happy citizens, investors, and society.
  2. Establish digital infrastructure for high productivity, digital competitiveness, connectivity, quality & reliable power, water, and gas
  3. Become the most preferred investment destination in different sectors.  
  4. Build sustainable and competitive smart mega-regions (an ecosystem of connected cities or States)
  5. Enable exponential growth of the economy and per-capita income aligning with current and future industrial revolutions by leveraging the modern cyber system
  6. Be the global leader in metaverse commerce leveraging NFTs and contribute for economy

Theme 2: Enhance people’s happiness with equity opportunities, high-quality health, education, standard of living, safety & security 

Key Objectives 

  1. Improve the quality of life and happiness by building best-in-class digital social infrastructure (smart healthcare, smart education, public facilities, multi-modal transportation system, etc.)
  2. Provide real-time, affordable, predictive, preventive, and secure healthcare  
  3. Improve the quality of education with world-class phydigital institutions and high talent competitiveness  
  4. Protect environmental landscape and Improve Sustainability with high-quality air, water, soil, biodiversity, and forestation  
  5. Provide a high standard of living for the citizens with equity opportunities 
  6. Ensure high security, safety, and privacy for peaceful living  
  7. Improve women and children's health, safety, and empowerment  

Theme 3: Effectively and responsibly utilize natural resources, and grow the primary sector

Key Objectives 

  1. Leverage the sunlight, wind, and natural rise and fall of ocean tides and currents to generate the renewable energy 
  2. Implement rainwater harvesting, safeguard the rivers, cleanse the rivers, connect the rivers, and avoid water scarcity 
  3. Avoid degradation of the soil by avoiding or minimizing the usage of chemicals in agriculture and by safeguarding the forests  
  4. Improve yield, manage crops disasters, increase crop insurance, organic farming, and agro-processing capacity  
  5. Increase circular food production and food Security  

Theme 4: Design and produce smart products for the world at an affordable price by establishing world-class industry & technology research and invention centers

Key Objectives 

  1. Re-engineer the whole education system and build the skills required for 4th and future industrial revolutions 
  2. Invest in research, inventions, and innovations and become the hub of design, and development of affordable digital products and services in different segments for the whole world (Reverse innovation)
  3. Nurture World-class Entrepreneurs and build many Google, Microsoft, and Apple scale companies 
  4. Establish global-scale Productive Smart Manufacturing Hubs with highly connected and intelligent supply chain system 
  5. Build and deliver Omni present services with an immersive experience to global customers 

Theme 5: Become a globally preferred destination for entertainment and tourism 

  1. Build virtual games with Indian epics and characters and make them global-scale games 
  2. Promote new ways of sports (e.g., basketball games by robots and humans)  
  3. Build media agencies in which the intelligent robots become the news readers and characters in serials 
  4. Produce metaverse-based movies in which the viewers become an integral part of the movie 
  5. Leverage metaverse to build cultural, eco, spiritual, and wildlife tourism with an immersive experience
  6. Build phydigital entertainment theme parks and different forms of tourism hubs leveraging digital technologies to provide unforgettable moments of experience to visitors 
  7. Produce international-scale movies which will be accepted by viewers in different countries 

New capabilities of modern cyber system, changing behaviour, needs, expectations of people, phydigital world, digital economy, digital age industrial revolutions must be factored to design the blueprint for Bharat 2047, which will be Wealthy, Healthy, Blue, Green, and Compassionate and become a true Viswa Guru!

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat


The article has been written by By V Srinivasa Rao, VSR Chairman & MD, BT&BT Author – Lean Digital Thinking – Digitalizing Businesses in a World Order and Chairman – Open Digital Innovation, IET Future Tech Panel
