
Beware! Blue Whale Challenge Online Game Can Kill Your Child

Malavika Sacchdeva
New Update
suicide game

Blue Whale's tasks range from the seemingly harmless - watching a scary video at 4 am - to the disturbing tasks like writing or drawing on arms with a sharp object.


Blue Whale Game is also known as the suicide game. The game originated in Russia in 2015, starts by asking participants via social media to draw a blue whale on a piece of paper. The admin of the Blue Whale Game targets teenagers between the age group of 12-15 years of age.

The game starts off with simple task such as listening to certain genres of music, waking up at odd hours, watching horror movies, but as the person goes on to next level the game becomes self-destructive and ask the player to self-mutilation and eventually suicide. The game asks user to complete task daily and is played for a period of 50 days.

According to reports, the game provokes youngsters to kill themselves .It is designed in such a way that the players get addicted to it and the players can go till any limit to win the game. The Blue Whale Game has killed 150 lives of teenagers so far all over the world.


It seems that this deadly game has killed a 14 year old Mumbai boy named Manpreet Singh. He jumped off the terrace of seven-storey building on Saturday. He is believed to be the first victim of the Blue Whale game in the country. Following the suicide, WhatsApp message warning parents about Blue Whale has begun to do the rounds in Mumbai.

According to gamers, The Blue Whale Game is difficult to track as there is nothing much the government and police can do to stop the spread of this challenge. The game asks the player to share their personal mobile number and email id. The developers keep using different tactics to get them back by sending mails and messages. The players are supposed to end the evidence of their completion of their task to the game administrators by sending picture of video, who then qualifies them to attempt the next task.

If the participant refuses to follow the rules of the game , the admin of the game threatens to harm their family members. So, the teenagers who begin to play this game, it becomes near to impossible to back out.

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