
Behind The Anxiety

DQI Bureau
New Update

Another set of issues clouds the

thankless but necessary process of acquiring computer hardware and

software. The whole process of technology acquisition is blurred

by a set of attitudes I call the FUDGE factor.


The term FUD is certainly not new.

It’s a long-standing computer industry term, coined circa 1960 by

IBM’s competitors frustrated by Big Blue’s early dominance of the

computer industry. FUD stands for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. To

organizations whose fortunes were inexorably linked to IBM’s product

announcements, the term FUD applied to a palpable anxiety that they

would be left behind. IBM salespeople used FUD as their theme song

and played it like virtuosos. I personally witnessed the following

variations on a theme:

The Fear: "Sure

Amdahl Corporation’s storage devices are cheaper than IBM’s, but

where will you be if, by chance, next year they stop supporting


The Uncertainty: "Now

I can’t be sure when, but support for system X will be frozen. However,

if you upgrade now...”


The Doubt: “Let’s

say for the sake of argument that Computer Associates’ database

management system is more efficient than ours, but can you be sure

that they’ll be around in ten years?”

People have lived with FUD for years.

But more recently, two additional attitudes have crept in. These

attitudes–Greed and Envy–are more corrosive to the efficient application

of computer technology than anything FUD inspired and its they who

add the ‘G’ and the ‘E’ to make FUDGE. Greed is displayed in the

understandable desire of people to posses the latest toys without

consideration for cost or utility. The Envy is exhibited in resentment

that someone, someplace, might have a system with more bells and

whistles. Here’s how I have heard it expressed in the halls of my

own company:

The Greed: “I

need the latest, most powerful whizbang notebook with the latest

and greatest in software and graphics I’m pretty sure I can find

a problem to solve with it.”


The Envy:

“Jake down the hall (or our competitor down the road) has one. We

should have one, too.”

Let me give you an example of the FUDGE

factor at work at Computer Associates. I’ll bet many of you have

had this conversation or one like it, if not with your technology

people, then probably with your children. Just recently one of my

senior vice presidents stopped me in the hall. He told me that a

senior VP at one of our competitors just got a Pentium color notebook

with 64MB of memory, a 2GB hard drive, as well as CD-ROM, multimedia,

a fax modem and a docking station. In other words, one very powerful

machine. “I really need one of these notebooks,” the senior VP told


“What do you need a machine so powerful for?” I said. “Are you planning
to land the Space Shuttle?

"No, but just think of how much

more productive I’ll be,” he replied. Now, I know what he’ll use

the machine for. He’ll probably use it to build presentations, may

be do a little word processing, crunch a few spreadsheets. But mostly

he’ll use it for email while he’s on the road. Realistically, he

probably won’t use more than 15 to 20% of the machine’s capacity.

But he had to have it. And I don’t want to be unfair. He’s not alone.

We all do this with everything from stereo components to cameras

to computers. We all want to play with the new toy.


That’s fine. It’s what hobbies were

invented for. My point is that the natural human inclination for

conspicuous consumption is a poor reason to invest in technology

for business. If we are not cautious, we will find ourselves, at

the end of the day, with technology investments that might be great

fun but are not really serving any legitimate business purpose.

Seven Problems with

Everyone needs

software. It’s the only thing that adds value to computer hardware,

and it’s the only thing most of us have control over. If developed

properly, it can be a meaningful, competitive differentiator. It’s

amazing to me sometimes, given the problems with software, just

how much human ingenuity and perseverance have been able to accomplish.

But it’s clear to me that we won’t get to a realigned environment

until we solve the following seven problems:

Software maintenance

is too high:
Software maintenance

is like a 500-pound canary. Many organizations devote 80% of their

programmer resources to maintaining existing software. It’s a tremendous

drain because software maintenance takes on a life of its own, and

many IT groups can’t see much past it. It’s like the old joke: Do

you know where a 500-pound canary sleeps? Anywhere it wants to!

(By the way, do you know what a 500-pound canary says? Here, kitty,

kitty, kitty...!)


Software reusability

is too low:
We reuse machine

parts, and even lawyers reuse boilerplate legal language for contracts.

Why is it so difficult to reuse a piece of software? The result

of not reusing software is that programs take a long time to build

and cost a fortune.

Software is too incompatible:

Many software applications

are islands of technology, unable to communicate with each other.

We need software to be designed by experts in human-machine interfaces

and accepted by different developers.

Software is too unstandardized:

This means that hardware

is expensive due to platform dependence. What we need is software

that is portable across a wide spectrum of multi-vendor platforms.


Software is too Inconsistent:

Many software applications employ a unique look and feel that complicates

training and maintenance.

Software is too complicated:

When only programmers can create programs, everybody needs to be

a programmer. The trick is to make programming of end-user applications

so intuitive that programmers become obsolete.

Software is too focused

on activities:
Most applications

simply automate existing activities (paving cow paths). What’s needed

is software that supports business processes like business intelligence

and teamwork.


disconnected are you?
