
Artificial Intelligence, IoT to Play Shifting Roles in Digitisation Journey: Saurabh Saxena, Micro Focus India

Corporates nowadays are looking forward to adoption of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in their internal processes

Supriya Rai
New Update
Aeris Communications

Advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning have become indispensible to the IT industry in the current scenario. In an interview with DataQuest, Saurabh Saxena, Country Director, Micro Focus India speaks about the role played by AI/ML in the various offerings that we see today, the importance of hybrid IT management and some key technology predictions for 2019.


Saurabh Saxena Country Director Micro Focus India Saurabh Saxena, Country Director, Micro Focus India

Role of advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in disrupting various offerings that we see today

In a swift-paced time, advent of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has become really accessible thereby making our lives easier, smoother and faster. Corporates nowadays are looking forward to adoption of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in their internal processes. As the adoption increases, we also see an increase in IT teams embracing a more pragmatic and thoughtful approach to industrial-scale IT delivery. Undoubtedly, adoption of Artificial Intelligence in the field of BFSI, Healthcare etc. have escalated at a very fast rate.


Artificial Intelligence goes much beyond than just recommending a book or filtering your mail. Voice assistants, chatbots for e.g. finds the information and return the answers to your device just like any other human. Today financial companies use Artificial Intelligence to monitor fraud; self-driving cars could use Artificial Intelligence to learn how to drive; Artificial Intelligence lies behind airline’s autopilot; Artificial Intelligence is being used in smart homes and much more.

Artificial Intelligence in combination with IoT will play shifting roles in digitisation journey depending upon the digital maturity and innovation quotient of an enterprise. With our solutions, corporates can leverage ML to transform big data into accurate, actionable and automated insights. This will help make predictions and influence business outcomes easily.

Impact of Hybrid IT Management on our day-to-day lives


Undoubtedly, Hybrid IT has become the new reality now. It is disrupting many processes in IT organizations and contributing to the complexity of any corporate – it brings with it a complex combination of traditional and cloud computing, along with IoT and edge computing. In other words, Hybrid IT seamlessly combines public cloud, private cloud and traditional IT while maximizing the performance, cost and agility of the services that one could deliver by accelerating delivery of applications and services to an enterprise.

Cloud has affected our lives in various ways and holds an important role in our lives. From improving the healthcare facilities to improving global environment, cloud is present everywhere and is revolutionizing the world without even letting you know. At Micro Focus, we help customers extend their existing investments while embracing new technologies in a world of Hybrid IT. We aim at providing customers with a portfolio of enterprise-grade scalable solutions with built-in analytics. We also deliver customer- centered innovation across Hybrid IT Management, Enterprise DevOps, Security & Data Management and Predictive Analytics.

Key tech predictions for the Indian Market in 2019


Today, technology has become an integral part of each and every business driving their economy. Enterprises now wish to support their workforce by literally transforming the way they work – the power of technologies such as AI, ML are delivering performances. According to a report by IDC, the Indian IT market will grow 6.9% to reach US $13.9 billion by end of 2019.

Here are some key tech predictions that could change the Indian Market in 2019:

  • Steady incline of IT teams embracing a more pragmatic and considered approach to industrial-scale IT delivery
  • Transitioning from Running to Growing the business
  • IT leaders will look to smarter software and new ways of working to streamline IT delivery across already stretched resources
  • Machine learning projects will move from science projects and innovation labs to full production led by industry disruptors in 2019
  • The Rise of Haas and IaaS: In 2019, we will be able to recognize a fundamental insecurity in our cloud strategy
  • Organizations will see the GDPR as a business opportunity rather than a disruption
  • A major transition in the field of DevSecOps

Micro Focus major offerings in Enterprise DevOps, Security, Risk & Governance, Hybrid IT Management and Predictive Analytics

Micro Focus has built solutions that target the four areas most critical to lasting Digital Transformation success – that include Enterprise DevOps, Hybrid IT Management, Security, Risk & Governance and Predictive Analytics.

  • Enterprise DevOps—Build and deliver better software faster: To win the race to innovate requires a high-speed approach and our solutions in this field unleashes the power of DevOps across the hybrid IT landscape, quickly bringing innovative ideas to life at the pace of business to securely deliver high quality software and services faster and smoother.
  • Hybrid IT Management — Run and transform: Information technology is evolving at a very fast pace – that include IT Infrastructure, services and even purchasing models. Maximizing business value and accelerating outcomes provokes enterprises to find new ways to extend existing investments and take advantage of new platforms – from containers to public clouds to IoT. We, at Micro Focus help organizations run ITOps at the speed of DevOps, delivering services on demand and generating operational and business insights, all while helping corporates address security, compliance and governance requirements.
  • Predictive Analytics—Analyze in time to act: Data lakes can be valuable only if businesses can surface the insights hidden within its depths. Micro Focus helps leverage ML to transform unlimited and huge amount of data into accurate, actionable and automated insights at the speed of any business. It helps corporates to be in a position to make predictions and influence business outcomes quickly and efficiently with comprehensive and relevant real-time intelligence.
  • Security, Risk, and Governance—Secure what matters the most: With the rise in technology usage and data security – as a major concern, cyberthreats have escalated at an exponential level. Aging apps and processes (along with new ones) are full of unforeseen risks and privacy and compliance requirements are mounting too. Micro Focus provides the industry’s broadest set of integrated security, risk, and governance solutions, with an analytics-driven approach to securing what matters most - identities, applications and data.

By delivering a complete set of customized solutions that can be integrated together and with existing legacy systems, we have differentiated ourselves by constantly matching the current and future reality of Enterprise IT. The breadth of the portfolio, depth of enabling analytics and proven ability to protect the organization’s most important assets gives customers the confidence they need to transform their business rapidly on their own terms and conditions. At the end, it’s all about greater speed and flexibility with lower overall risk.
