
Amex Information Technologies

DQI Bureau
New Update

Mumbai-based Amex Information Technologies is ranked #16 compared to #59 last year. The mid-market services company reported revenues of Rs 7.41 crore and a net profit of Rs 1.08 crore in the full year ended March 2003. While sales were down by a percent, net profit was up 69% over the previous year. The company is ranked #61 in sales and sales growth, #45 in profits and #7 in profit growth. Amex’s gross block was up 127% over the previous year to Rs 5.05 crore and the company is ranked #61 in gross block and #2 in gross block growth. Amex provides software development, migration, onsite consulting, web-based customer support and biometric solutions. Amex’ performance has been disappointing since its IPO in the year 1999 although the past few quarters have seen some improvement. The company has subsidiaries in India, the US, the UK and Germany.
