
AI-based Doctor VideoBot, addresses queries around Covid-19

is there a vaccine, drug or treatment for Covid-19?’’ Or, “how likely am I to catch Covid-19? These kind of questions can be answered through the VideoBot.

Aanchal Ghatak
New Update

CoRover Pvt Ltd is a leader in enterprise conversational AI. It provides a conversational AI platform to help businesses give authentic information to their customers’ queries automatically and instantly. This can be in any language (foreign, vernacular), any channel (web, app, social media, IVR, SMS, email), any format (video, voice, text), so that users can save time and the organizations can save cost.


Here, Ankush Sabharwal, founder and CEO, CoRover, tells us more. Excerpts from an interview:

DQ: Elaborate on how CoRover has been working on the conversational AI space.

Ankush Sabharwal: In the last couple of years, conversational AI has been a talk-trend amongst the majority of the companies. In the current scenario, most of them have started recognizing its importance even more. Chatbots/VA are one of the most natural implementations of AI, which gives the benefit from day one of the implementation, and also reduces the enterprises’ efforts in deploying humans to do all the work.


At CoRover, we have developed an innovative conversational AI platform to help businesses give quick, automated and authentic responses to the user queries and actions. The generated responses can be accessed in multiple languages (foreign, vernacular) on any channel (web, app, social media, WhatsApp, IVR, SMS, e-mail) and in different formats such as video, voice, and text.  

With our platform, we help our customers in bringing down about 70% of the support efforts, and help them generate improved user experience and customer service along with reducing about 30% of the cost-overheads. Furthermore, our patented Chatbot Markup Language (CBML) and Chatbot as a Service (CaaS) make it extremely easy to integrate and access.

We have booked 300%+ more revenue as compared to last year while serving Indian Market. We are expecting 400% revenue growth this year as we have 150+ inbound leads being worked up at various stages.


DQ: Elaborate on the world’s first AskDoc VideoBot. What are the general queries on Covid-19, and how has AskDoc VideoBot been useful so far?

Ankush Sabharwal: The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a stir on each one of our lives, bringing uncertainty, psychological stress, health anxiety, social distancing, quarantines, and financial stress with income and savings on a backburner. The healthcare community is doing an exceptional job in the toughest times. However, burnouts among the healthcare community are nothing but a serious cause of concern.

CoRover, is doing some amazing work in this space by coming up with the world’s first AI-based Doctor VideoBot,addressing the queries around Covid-19 disease transmission and contagion control, supported with multi-lingual voice and text formats. AskDoc provides its users with an auto and quick response to any queries about the coronavirus, along with safety measures to be followed as per the MHFW, the Government of India and the WHO guidelines.


To help health workers manage burnout, CoRover’s AskDoc helps users to know all about the COVID-19 pandemic by letting them interact with doctors for free. 

AskDoc through a video, voice or text interaction can answer a user’s anxious queries like “is there a vaccine, drug or treatment for Covid-19?’’ Or, “how likely am I to catch Covid-19?’ Or. “is it safe to eat non-vegetarian food? The bot also provides information on the total number of active positive, cured and death cases in all the districts andstates across India.


C B A A C B A EB DC Ankush Sabharwal, founder and CEO, CoRover

DQ: How long did it take to develop this solution?

Ankush Sabharwal: It took us around three years to build a comprehensive and robust CoRover conversational AIplatform. That makes it extremely easy for us to create text-, voice- and video-enabled, multi-lingual and omni-channel chatbots/virtual assistants. Using the CoRover conversational AI platform, it just took us a week’s time to create the AskDoc.


DQ: How many people have downloaded and used this so far?

Ankush Sabharwal: We have over 200 million users, 20 billion+ impressions, and are supported with 500k+ concurrent users. We are further working towards generating revenue through contextual ads, in addition to pay per user, subscription and license-based fee.

DQ: How are you handling the security aspect of this app? How does it make use of AI?


Ankush Sabharwal: Microsoft Azure takes care of the security, reliability, performance and scalability. Our innovation in technology is the most unique property, which makes us a differential provider in the market.

The cognitive AI framework, which uses our patented AI in the most innovative way comes with various components, such as, AI auto-suggestion, AIML, NLP, ML, deep learning and proprietary, cognitive AI framework,which makes our product very easy to use. User can initiate queries using various interfaces. Our Chatbot takes these queries and passes it through various layers of our framework as mentioned below:

AI Auto-Suggestion – This feature compares the user’s questions and maps it with the predefined questions. If the question matches the predefined questions, then the chatbot responds with the answer.Else, the query is transferred to the next layer.
AIML (artificial intelligence mark-up language)  In this level, it simplifies the words in the question to interpret more efficiently. The AIML interpreters can provide pre-processing functions to expand abbreviations, remove misspellings, etc.
NLP (natural language processing) – This level applies algorithms to understand the meaning and structure of sentences. Syntactic and semantic analysis are two main techniques used with natural language processing.
Unsupervised algorithm This layer uses historical chat log data (transcripts), without the need for any human labelling.
ML and DL - In this layer the feedback data and question are collected, and the responses are updated through machine learning abilities.
Deep multitasking learning This layer brings the humankind of learning to the framework, and enables focusing on each word, sentence and previous sentences to drive deeper understanding all at the same time.

With the help of the above features, the chatbot will either provide the appropriate response or project a standard reply to modify the query or let users choose from the various options or open a live chat, where the customer can directly chat with customer care employee.

DQ: Who are the prime verticals using this so far?

Ankush Sabharwal: All of the verticals are now embracing the AI virtual assistants. Some of the prominent ones, where we saw success, include travel, health care, BFSI, energy, education, utilities, media space, etc.

covid-19 videobot artificial-intelligence