
Aadhaar Hackathon winners announced by AngelPrime

New Update

AngelPrime, a seed-stage Venture Capital Fund based in Bangalore today announced the winners of the biggest ever-online Aadhaar Hackathon held on June 6 – June 7 2015. The hugely popular competition attracted more than 5269 developers from across India and also from Indians living abroad. The two-day coding marathon saw 1677 registered teams who built products around the themes of payments, productivity, government benefits, financial services, FMCG, healthcare and online to offline.


All applications were required to prove the successful use of the Aadhaar APIs and were judged automatically for quality of code and sophistication of the application. A team of experts consisting of Dr. Pramod Varma (Chief Architect-UIDAI), Arvind Gupta (BJP convenor and national head – information & technology), Ravi Gururaj (Chairman-Nasscom Product Council) and Sanjay Swamy (Managing partner-AngelPrime) judged the top 11 teams who made it to the finals. Earlier UIDAI volunteers and industry veterans Raj Mashruwala, Sanjay Jain and Dr. Vivek Raghavan had spent countless hours in screening and rating all the submissions, before shortlist the final 11.


Name: Anantha Padmanabha - Bengaluru

App: True Scholar

Description: The App uses Aadhaar APIs for verification of student identity. The App provides a central database for all exam results, enables online registrations for exams and prevents impersonation during exams.

First Runner’s up

Name: Pankaj Chhabra, Supriya Saini, Ishrat Khan, Sachin Arora  - Delhi

App: Aadhaarical

Description: Enables people to drive without any documents and allows complete verification in real-time via Aadhaar. It can also be used for easier reporting of vehicle theft, tracking of missing vehicles, challan issuance, accessibility of e-document online to resident and traffic police , car towing notification in case of car is parked in “No Parking Area”.


Second Runner’s up saw a tie between three teams

Name: Dawar Dedmari , Brijesh Masrani, Mahendra Liya , Manan Saleem Beg - Bengaluru

App: Samaadhaar

Description: Social Marketplace connecting Internet disabled people across the country to Products and Service Providers via local Partnerships with personalized content & information based on Aadhaar-authentication.

Name: Sumanyu Soniwal, Shubham Gupta, Soubhik Saha - Agra, Lucknow, Ghaziabad

App: Aadhaaric Licence

Description: This application aims at helping people by allowing them obtain their Driving License via a hassle free online procedure just by using their Aadhaar Card - can be extended to other (government) documents.

Name: Thiyagarajan, Rajeef, Priyanka and Ashir - Bengaluru

App: 18-plus

Description: App paired with a simple finger print scanner can help organizations verify age of the people.

Arvind Gupta, BJP convenor and national head, information and technology, said, "It was a great experience to see young talent using Aadhaar based platforms to solve many societal issues being faced in India.”


Ravi Gururaj, Chairman, Nasscom Product Council, stated, "Impressed by all the Aadhaar hackathon finalists who designed applications for varied set of real use cases, demonstrated and extensively leveraged the full range of Aadhaar APIs, included some extremely talented student teams and attracted participation from all across the nation. Congratulations to all the winners and our sincere thanks to AngelPrime and all mentors, UIDAI experts and our ecosystem partners for helping make this second Aadhaar hackathon a fantastic success.”

Commented Dr. Pramod Varma, Chief Architect, UIDAI, "Amazing to see the energy of young folks from across the country. Like Aadhaar, this event was truly inclusive too!"

Sanjay Swamy, Managing Partner, AngelPrime, "The hackathon achieved all its objectives - spreading the awareness and knowledge of this revolutionary platform for this century, Aadhaar, and uncovering several exciting use cases. With support from UIDAI, biometric devices from Morpho, the Authentication platform by Khosla Labs, and our venue partners PayTM, Microsoft Ventures and Nasscom, and by using the online hackathon platform of HackerEarth, we conducted a truly nationwide event with teams participating from the remotest corners of India. It is heartening to see two student teams in the top 5 - I applaud all the participants and congratulate the winners."


The Aadhaar Hackathon was administered via the HackerEarth Sprint, a unique tool developed by HackerEarth for conducting large-scale online hackathons. Aadhaar APIs such as Biometric Authentication, Biometric eKYC, Demographic Authentication, OTP Authentication and OTP eKYC were exposed to all developers. USB- based biometric sensors were made available by Morpho along with their SDK for Android and Windows. Khosla Labs parterre with AngelPrime for the Hackathon by opening up the APIs of its product - Aadhaar Bridge to enable the participants to integrate these Aadhaar services on their apps.

hackathon uidai aadhaar