
a little literature

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The Modern Library: 100 Best Books

Of The Century

This page, , is owned by

Random House. It features what the Board of Random House considers to be the best 100

books printed since 1900. There are two lists here-the Board's Choice, made by Random

House, and the Reader's Choice, which allows readers to make their own choices. You can

place a vote on what you feel is the best book according to you, and see how it matches

against the choice of the board.


The site also has a forum, which concerns

the board's choice vs the reader's choice. You can also view the process, which has been

made transparent perhaps with a view to lending greater credibility to the whole system. A

great site to visit if you're stocking on a nice new private library of classics from this

century, or just deciding on what book to borrow from your friendly neighborhood library.

The 100 Most Influential Literary


If you're a real literature buff, in all probability, you will have a literary

hero-figure like Sherlock Holmes, Hamlet, or Don Quixote. Now, here is your chance of a

lifetime to determine where each stands. The site in question

concerns a book of a similar name, which details such information about literary heroes as

their tragedies and triumphs. On the face of it, it seems fairly comprehensive: characters

include the likes of "to be or not to be" brooders like Hamlet, the energetic

logician Sherlock Holmes, Arjuna of the Mahabharata, and the delightful Don Quixote, among

others. Again, a very useful list to possess when you want to pass time in a party

pretending to be a classics buff.

Book Browse

Book Browse is the place to go to, if you want to find

out how the latest bestseller on the shelf stacks up. Here, you can read reviews about

books, excerpts etc. One of the unique features of this site is that it allows you to read

excerpts from books, so that you do not have to do with just reviews. In other words, you

can look at the excerpt, and decide for yourself how good the book is. The site also

features a mailing list, which allows you to subscribe to a newsletter from the site.
