Digital learning has changed the whole ball game of education in 2022. The pandemic has acted as a catalyst for this transformation in a way education is imparted. The digital learning platforms are evolving in a way to excel in the art of execution and implementation to perform up to its potential. Digital learning is unfolding the new ways of learning, teaching, and communicating, slowly shifting the system. Since the novel coronavirus times, the education sector has faced many problems but as we look ahead in 2022 there’s a sense of confidence in technology in these unprecedented times. Hence, it’s safe to say that education technology is here to stay. As the industry saw an unexpected hike in 2020 projecting expected growth of $10 billion by 2025. Currently, the industry is seen contributing about 3-3.5% to the GDP of India. As edtech industry is escalating upwards being a major contributor to the GDP of India, hence making the year 2022 crucial for online learning. India with over 700 million internet users and is still growing in rural and remote areas is a ripe market for digital learning to thrive. For better future learning, appropriate application of technology is very important and needs to be explored more. Edtech industry is penetrating in the education system giving children and youth, the liberty to choose the field they want. Giving wings of freedom to every child of India equally.
The seed of education technology has been sowed since late 90s but it started growing on since the last few years. Pandemic times have pushed the industry when the world was forced to move online. Everybody accepted edtech with open arms and realised the power of learning from anywhere and anytime. The diverse innovative learning ways are digital learning, edtech platforms, online modules, and apps which are slowly replacing the traditional ways because of the immense benefits. Even though the majority of schools opened as the covid cases dropped, parents and teachers continue to turn to digital tools that supplemented learning outside the classroom. Just as pandemic has reshaped the nine to five cooperate culture forever, the classroom model has set off the old ways. While many people are quick to judge the technological ways for inhibiting people’s ability to socialize, imagine, and give children access to digital tools, have proved to be a savior in these times. The positive use of technology can open the opportunity to build future leaders more worldly, more aware, more collaborative. This gave rise to parasocial learning, which is education and learning not only derived from knowledge sharing from a teacher but also with personal and emotional connection experiences, to create a healthier and more aware environment for mental health. It has also helped students expand their network greatly. EdTech companies continue to embrace solutions for the classroom of the future, where children will hopefully have broadened access to cultures, people, and ideologies.
With growing awareness and eclectic exposure on the internet, making people choosier towards what they want. As on the online platform, anyone can take any course they wish, can upskill in almost anything, without even giving your much of time. And for the children the studies are not limited to the classrooms, they can learn anywhere. The adaption of the mentality to perceive education as a lifelong process and a 24/7 job. This will be a major driver of 2022 and a shift in people's approach towards education, not just limited to the classrooms. That’s why personalization and the use of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, virtual reality, and augmentation reality is coming forward to serve better. AI can be used to generate reports for programs initiated by institutes, analyze learners’ shortcomings and interpret data to offer striking learning experiences. This freedom to personalize, curate, customize standard education content according to the strengths and weaknesses of the child is the best policy to offer. The industry wants to build a safer place, interactive, easy to apprehend content, to make education more accessible and affordable this year. With mass people shifting more towards the internet and phones, looking out for these features to create eloquence in learning. The authentication of education is vital to normalize it for the students as a source of learning.
The industry looks ahead at the innovative ways of smart learning. Creating a base for the students to adapt better ways to upskill, upgrade themselves. The edtech companies are determined to fulfill the needs and demands of the students as well as parents. The main concern of the industry is to get the feedback of the students and to know what the students are facing problems about and to work on those problems. Perseverance with the taste of flexibility is important for any industry to thrive.
Sun is shining on edtech platforms and digital learning for the past few years and is welcomed by the majority of the people. In schools and colleges, we have pushed the boundaries to the edge and skipped a decade in the shadow of the pandemic, to uncover whether systems needed change. With the digital tools of 2022, parents, students and teachers have been bestowed with opportunity, convenience, and a social community. On the way forward, in the coming years, it will be important to a common path that blends with traditional learning and online resources to better understand what will shape the future of education. Digital learning has transformed the ways permanently, as we can only go forward from this. The sure thing is that digital learning will be a default part of all students' education going forward. The year 2022 looks all about implementation and execution of the ideas, hence being the most significant year for the Edtech industry.
The article has been written by Akanksha Chaturvedi, Founder and CEO, Eduauraa Technologies