
10 ways for organizations to protect their employees from cyber attacks

Here are ten quick tips from Microsoft Security for organizations to protect their employees from cyber attacks

New Update
cyber attacks

Cyber security threats can shut down your business, steal sensitive data, and hold you ransom. As new vulnerabilities arise, security for all becomes integral to organizational success.


It is important for organizations to understand the ways in which cybercriminals are continually shifting their modes of attack—and determine the best ways to combat these attacks. Here are ten quick tips from Microsoft Security for organizations to protect their employees from cyber attacks.

  1. Provide mandatory cyber security training: Provide your employees with training on safe email and browsing use. Teach them how to identify and safeguard against phishing attacks, tech support scams and other malware.
  2. Make employees Cyber Smart: Raise employee awareness of potential risks when online. Share educational content on securing personal data, protecting devices, and staying safe from various kinds of cyber attacks.
  3. Offer your employees attack simulation training: Craft a dynamic training program or phishing simulation in your preferred language.
  4. Go passwordless and use multi-factor authentication: Bring your organization into the future with passwordless authentication. Use multi-factor authentication or turn passwordless.
  5. Update company owned devices regularly: Ensure all company devices use the latest version of browsers and operating system.
  6. Enforce corporate file saving protocols: Store and encrypt all company data securely in the cloud.
  7. Reinforce the importance of using secure connections: Educate employees on the importance of using secure connections such as HTTPS. Install the HTTPS Everywhere plug-in for your browser.
  8. Verify website identity regularly: Make it a practice with employees to check website certificates to verify the identity of the website.
  9. Enable pop-up blockers by default: Install browser and operating system updates immediately to maintain the latest security standards.
  10. Use cloud-based antivirus solutions: Cloud protection works together with antivirus solutions to deliver accurate, real-time, and intelligent protection.